WPPC Gifu Prefecture · Jindonooka Park

“WPPC Gifu prefecture · Jindonooka Park” that was held on July 4 was a great success!

It is an impression of the participants.

Get off the interchange of the central road, cross the mountain while passing through the rice paddies It will arrive at the hill of humanity in about 40 minutes.
Gifu prefecture Yaotsu town is the birthplace of Mr. Chiune Sugihara called Schindler of Japan.

He was a consul of Lithuania around 1954. He issued a visa to Jews who escaped the persecution of Nazi Germany at that time and reached Lithuania and exiled themselves to the United States, Canada, China etc. via Japan, resulting in 6,000 people I rescued you.

Virtually he was dismissed and his career as a diplomat was over, but thankfully to the Japanese, I am grateful and respectful for his courageous behavior globally.
Mr. Chiune spent his life as a diplomat with the utmost humanitarian aid he could do with his own life.

World peace is not to expect a savior, but first of all I think that each begins with thinking about what they can do for their people in their own position.

I thought about such a thing again while watching a lot of materials exhibited in the memorial hall where I am able to concretely do for world peace in my own right now.

During the WPPC show, it was blessed with the weather and it was an hour in the blink of an eye.

I am grateful that I could hold it here. Thank you to everyone who joined us all the way to the far road.

And above all, thank you □ □, ○ ○, who did anything from planning and meeting with local people etc from anything.

Always my head really goes down.

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